Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Letter F - Get Ready For The Code, Book A

This week we started the Explode The Code Series with primer book A 'Get Ready For The Code'.  After we did the pages in the book on the letter F,  the first day was all about frogs!

I found some frog sun catchers with paints & brush at the dollar store.  We worked on a frog maze, did Mr. Frog's Pond and the F is for frog sheet with bingo markers in the picture below.
We took a break and did some frog hopping down to the pool to swim like frogs.  When we got home we learned about the life cycle of a frog with this printable & this picture match.  We ended with a frog dot to dot.
When Dad got home they browsed this frog site while they did a frog feet worksheet.  Then they headed over to this site to read the Poisonous Dart Frog eBook (about a third of the way down the page) while they used the pictures as a reference to color this sheet.  The last thing we did was label frog parts.

Of course Tractor enjoyed the frog theme but Princess asked to learn about diamonds the whole time.